Category Archives: Special Days


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Happy Juneteenth Day

Today is a day for remembrance for all our people who were enslaved, repressed and downtrodden throughout our embarrassing past. If the slaves had not been freed, we would have never known the likes of Mr. Owens, MLK, Jesse Jackson, and many other fabulous people who stood for greatness.

As we hold thoughts of what it is to be free, we hold our heads up and stand against racism, and we stand up for equal rights and freedom for all of us known as humankind. We should never see our neighbors as “different” just because of skin color or beliefs, as this goes against the teachings of most of our Higher Powers – God.

Pray and give thanks today for the righting of the wrongs of our past, and may we learn from it. We are much better people working together as one united and loving body.
Be humble and stay safe.


CHARLES R DENNING Register Number: 21317-045
P.O. BOX 1034
COLEMAN, FL  33521

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Happy Father’s Day 2024


Some things are worth repeating, and so I am going to repeat what I wrote in previous years:

Happy Father’s Day to all fathers of the World who provide for their families, whether there is a biological connection or not, the one acting in the capacity of a father to his children deserves praise and an acknowledgement for the things he does because of his love and responsibilities.

Be grateful for the people in your life who show their love in unspoken ways. Let your gratitude show!

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For the single parent who fills both roles, a special thanks goes out to you. You’re the Best! May God give you the strength and resources you need to provide for your family.

Many good people go unnoticed who do not receive the praise deserved for the acts of love shown each day in their actions, not just in words. A title doesn’t matter. May the love you show come back to you ten-fold.

Special Acknowledgment: I chose the photo shown above in honor of my brother who passed away in 1978 and left behind two children, one four, the other six, both of whom he loved and would have made countless sacrifices to provide for their comfort and safety. Unfortunately, he died twenty-five days before he turned twenty-five. If you are blessed with a father or anyone else who holds special meaning, give him or her a hug, and let them know that you love them because one never knows if the moment that the opportunity presents itself will be the last chance given.

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Happy Belated Memorial Day by Wayne T. Dowdy


Every day should be one of remembrance of those who have fallen to protect our individual rights and freedoms enjoyed in the United States and abroad. Regardless of where one resides, paying tribute to those brave people who fought to defend others needs to be recognized by those whose lives are different because of the sacrifices made, whether on a personal level, or militarily.

We should never forget history to avoid allowing the same thing to happen again on a different level by different actors!

The photo shown above is part of America’s erased history in the City of McDonough, Georgia, where the statue once stood in the middle of the town square. Personally, even though parts of history may be unpleasant and shameful, it is still history; trying to rewrite it for political agenda may be harmful when politicians manipulate the masses and choose to erase it by covering up or destroying what reminds others of the atrocities. The rulers in the Soviet Union were notorious about destroying historical monuments to be replaced with their version. As for the photo above, whoever that soldier was, and regardless of which side of the war he fought, he was still a part of some family.

For more of a historical perspective about the Civil War in America, please check out Mothers & Memorial Day by Wayne T. Dowdy on this website and others.

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Happy Mother’s Day from Wayne T. Dowdy


Happy Mother’s Day! I hope all of you Mothers of the World have a special day filled with love and appreciation for all you have done to make life possible for those you brought into life with your pain and suffering.

For more that shows how special your gender is in this world, check out WONDERFUL WOMEN by Wayne T. Dowdy

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StraightfromthePen and @WayneTDowdy

Happy Valentine’s Day 2023

Happy Valentine’s Day to Everyone!

Re-reading the quote below made me think of those in Turkey and Syria who are suffering from the recent earthquake that devastated their lives and the lives of many others around the world.

My Heart Goes Out to Everyone Suffering.

“Enjoy the special day celebrating life as a living, breathing, human being. No matter how screwed up things may seem, know that there are millions of others who’d love to trade places and to have your problems. That is something I have to remind myself of when disgruntled because the world isn’t working according to Wayne.”

The above quote came from a previous post that rooted in a blog that I sent to my publisher in 2018 to post for me while I was still inside the United States Federal Bureau of Prisons. #Happy Valentine’s Day | STRAIGHT FROM THE PEN.

Well, the world won’t work according to Wayne. That’s okay, because even though things don’t turn out as I prefer on some days, at least I continue to do the right thing and have succeeded at doing many good things throughout my life.

I also feel blessed for having people in my life who love and care for me and who are willing to help me to accomplish some of my goals. And for that I remain grateful and thank my Higher Power, whom I chose to call God, for blessing me with another day to celebrate.


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